MHT CET Preparation 2023: Exam Pattern

MHT CET exam pattern 2023 includes various important aspects of the test like marking scheme, the total number of questions and marks, nature of the questions, mode of the test, etc. The approximate number of questions based on the 11th standard is 10, and the 12th standard is 40. The questions are application-based.

There are 50 questions asked for each subject. Based on the marking scheme, there will be 2 marks (Mathematics) and 1 for every correct answer (Physics/Chemistry). Please note that there will be no negative marking.


Know the Syllabus

The first step toward MHT CET preparation is to understand the syllabus completely. Afterwards, candidates can look for the best book for MH CET MBA preparation. The latest MHT CET Syllabus mentions that the questions are application based. The MHT CET exam questions are based on the State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary education.

Please note that approximately 20% of the weightage is given to the Class 11 curriculum, and 80% of the weightage is given to the Class 12 curriculum in the question paper of the MH CET exam. Candidates have to answer questions from Physics, Maths, and Chemistry from the Class 12 syllabus.